"The fact of the matter is, in the end, the only way to walk away ... is to make sure there’s nothing you’re reluctant to leave behind."Hello everyone, I am back after a semi-small hiatus from the internet but at last I am back. Today, I am going to be talking about a new author that I have never come across from and who's work I thoroughly enjoyed. Boys of Brayshaw High by Meagan Brandy can be categorized as both Young Adult and New Adult. From the second I saw the cover for Boys of Brayshaw High, I was intrigued because I was looking to read another book after reading Corrupt by Penelope Douglas. I knew this book was going to be for me after reading the blurb, and I proceeded to tell my brother about it and he pushed me to read it so thanks to him!
Now, let's get to the review!

First here is the synopsis of the book:
"Girls like you aren't exactly welcomed at a place like this, so keep your head down and look the other way."
Those were the exact words of my social worker when she dropped me in my newest hellhole, a place for "troubled teens".
I didn't listen, and now I'm on their radar.
They expect me to play along in their games of hierarchy, to fall in line in the social order they've deemed me fit.
Too bad for them, I don't follow rules.
Too bad for me, they're determined to make sure I do.
Inconceivably attractive and treated like kings...these are the boys of Brayshaw High.
And I'm the girl who got in their way.

So just a quick input. Raven, the daughter of a drug addicted prostitute, gets removed from her home by social services and brought to a girl's group home in the town of Brayshaw. Once she gets there, she's sent to Brayshaw High where she meets the kings of the Brayshaw kingdom a.k.a. the Boys of Brayshaw, Maddoc, Royce, and Captain. The guys aren't very welcoming to her at first, but it isn't long before they see Raven is different than what they expected her to be. She's strong, confident, take no bullshit, loyal, and despite her trying to hide it underneath a steel exterior, she has a good heart. They go from pushing her away to pulling her in, and not everybody is happy about the change. Some people are downright bitter and go to great lengths to break them apart. Bribery, blackmail, and even violence, they will stop at nothing to make sure Raven leaves Brayshaw for good.
Like I said, she’s trouble. Problem is, I like the taste of trouble.Maddoc, Royce and Captain are all deliciously different, but what makes them so appealing is how effortlessly their core beliefs about right and wrong align. They have created their own world, their own rules, and are adamantly strict in enforcing law and order, all with an unapologetic charm and fierceness. In particular, Maddoc's unyielding control clashes with Raven's brashness in a sensual dance that keeps us deliciously on edge, providing just enough angst to ensure we are emotionally involved even after the last page is flipped.
I sigh internally. “Your daddy finally let me out of the basement so long as I promised to play nice with others. But not as nice as I played with him, if you know what I mean.” I wink and her face scrunches.Listen, Raven don't get a shit about your feelings. I was laughing and oohing every time she snapped on someone who didn't know how hard she hit. Yeah, there were sometimes where she was a bit annoying especially when it came to some people trying to just be nice to her. But, I understand where she was coming from. She never felt protected, especially when it came to the person who was supposed to care for her.

“You’re mine if I say you are, you’re trash when I decide I’m done. And I’m standing here telling you I changed my mind. I’m not ready to throw you out just yet.”Meagan Brandy's writing pulled me in and kept my eyes glued to the page practically salivating for more. All the main characters intrigued me, made me laugh, pissed me off, broke my heart and put it back together again a few times before capturing it completely. Now, if you guys have been keeping up with me or have read my reviews, then you know I love a good angst. The romance between Raven and Maddoc drove me mad with anticipation and the sexual tension and angst of it all twisted me up in the most delicious ways.

"Careful, big man," I whisper. "That sounds a lot like a king falling. The ground isn't soft at my feet."
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall, I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for this trope. I would say it is a bully group going after the female lead and end up accepting her. Raven is an amazing character that I love and would definitely be friends with if she let me. The boys I had mixed feelings about, but I would let it pass. Boys of Brayshaw High by Meagan Brandy is a good book to read and it is part of a series. I don't know when the second book is coming out but hopefully soon because that cliffhanger...bitch!

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