November 9 by Colleen Hoover
A long time a go, I was just minding my own business trying to live my life. I took a day trip to Barnes and Nobles one day to look for something to read. While walking through the fiction aisle, I noticed Colleen Hoover's name in one section. At this time, I wasn't that familiar with her. I had only read Ugly Love and Slammed. She just released a book titled November 9, curiosity got me and I bought the book. I didn't end up reading the book until March of the next year.“When you find love, you take it. You grab it with both hands and you do everything in your power not to let it go. You can’t just walk away from it and expect it to linger until you’re ready for it.”
Before I get into the review, here is basically a summary.
November 9's summary is basically these two strangers cross paths in Los Angeles on November 9. Fallon O'Neil is about to move to New York to push her luck into the career of Broadway. On her last day in L.A she crosses paths, more like he slides, with Ben Kessler. They both leave such a great impression on each other that they make a deal. They will meet on November 9th for the next five years, same place, same time.
Seems simple, right?
But nope, nothing is simple when it comes to Colleen Hoover.
Get ready for the emotional roller coaster

The romance in this novel is something to swoon in. Ben and Fallon's love for each other is beautiful and painful. Throughout the story, I found myself feeling scared about what was going to happen to their relationship. I was dying especially since it was plot twist here, plot twist there. At the same time, this book made me smile, cry, angry, cry, laugh, oh and cry.
November 9 is the kind of book you need to read for yourself and figure out the emotions you start feeling. There so much in this book that I can't give away because it was so perfect and beautiful. The plot of the story was a brilliant idea and Colleen executed it so well
“If we’re going to kiss, it has to be book-worthy.”Now let me start by explaining to you who Ben Kessler is. He was a wonderful character who broke my heart and made me fall in love with him at the same time! He was sweet, thoughtful, attentive, cared so much for Fallon and he was a writer. What more can a girl want? He was everything that Fallon needed in her life. He was the air she needed to breath after everything she went through. He was such a flirt that I found myself blushing so many times because of the way he talked to her.

Fallon O'Neal was beautifully written. One thing I love about Colleen's female characters is how she finds them in such odd circumstances that you don't think about from the top of your head. But even if it's odd, you find them relatable in many ways. With Fallon, her estranged relationship with her father caused one of the most memorable days in her life which happened on...November 9. She wants to go out and be herself but something physically is stopping her from achieving what she wants to do. Fallon is such a beautiful character that I know will stay with me forever.

This book does have one of my pet peeves which is Insta-Love but let me just say in Colleen's defense...she did it well. I found myself falling in love with Ben from the moment he appeared in the texts.
"What are you waiting for? He drags in a raspy breath. 'To wake up, I think.' He lowers his mouth and kisses my neck. 'I'm dreaming, right?'"
...but I still love you.
Rating: ★★★★★
This book is a must-read if you are a fan of Romance or/and Colleen Hoover. It is beautifully tragic and amazing. I could not have asked for a better book for my Birthday Month. I.AM.IN.LOVE. November 9 was nothing like I expected. This book made me go through an emotional roller coaster in less than 310 pages. I was in love, I was heartbroken, I was laughing, I was crying. Every emotion. Colleen Hoover's writing is simple yet breathtaking. It never gets old and makes everything seems to get better every book she publishes.
“She “loved me” in quotations. She kissed me in bold. I TRIED TO KEEP HER in all caps. She left with an ellipsis . . .”
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Current Song: Oblivion by Zyrah

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