Lux: Beginnings
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys.”
If you have never read a Jennifer L. Armentrout book...what are you doing with your life?
ANYWAYS, if you've never read one of her books, this is a good one to start with. I had heard about this series a while back but never picked it up and gave it a chance. Until one night at three in the morning my brain said, "hey, you should totally read this book." I listened and didn't get much sleep that night. Was it worth it?
Now, this review is going to be different since this specific edition of the book is two books in one. The first book of the series is Obsidian and the second one is Onyx. I will review the first one and I will place a spoiler warning when I start reviewing the second one, just in case some of you have just only read the first one.
Like I stated earlier, I wasn't that into this series at first because I was in a different reading whirl when I first heard of this series. I did have the books but just didn't feel like reading them. But oh boy, do I wish I had read them a while back. The first book was published back in 2012, so the world was just getting out of the Twilight craze that was going on.
I kind of went blind when I started this book, so when I heard about what Daemon and his family were, I was like... wait...like E.T. But no, they are not like cute E.T. Armentrout makes her own version and I like the way she did it. She took a well-known species and made it her own without being exaggerating like some authors.
The plot of this book was fantastically executed and along the way, I just fell in love with the characters. Katy Swartz is an amazing Heroine. She is sassy and edgy, no one could boss her around and tell her what to do unless she wanted it to be done. Plus, she was a book blogger and I couldn't help but grin at her little hobby.
Dee Black was an interesting character but I didn't really get as attached to her as other readers. I mean she appeared when she had to and wasn't there when she wasn't needed. She served her purpose as a secondary character but she isn't a character I would enjoy reading in a spin-off or something. Just my two cents.

This book was beautiful and I loved every second of reading it. I have already read the whole series but am currently scanning through the other books to refresh my memory on certain areas. This book, however, is sealed in my memory.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Now, this review is going to be different since this specific edition of the book is two books in one. The first book of the series is Obsidian and the second one is Onyx. I will review the first one and I will place a spoiler warning when I start reviewing the second one, just in case some of you have just only read the first one.
Like I stated earlier, I wasn't that into this series at first because I was in a different reading whirl when I first heard of this series. I did have the books but just didn't feel like reading them. But oh boy, do I wish I had read them a while back. The first book was published back in 2012, so the world was just getting out of the Twilight craze that was going on.
I kind of went blind when I started this book, so when I heard about what Daemon and his family were, I was like... wait...like E.T. But no, they are not like cute E.T. Armentrout makes her own version and I like the way she did it. She took a well-known species and made it her own without being exaggerating like some authors.
The plot of this book was fantastically executed and along the way, I just fell in love with the characters. Katy Swartz is an amazing Heroine. She is sassy and edgy, no one could boss her around and tell her what to do unless she wanted it to be done. Plus, she was a book blogger and I couldn't help but grin at her little hobby.
Dee Black was an interesting character but I didn't really get as attached to her as other readers. I mean she appeared when she had to and wasn't there when she wasn't needed. She served her purpose as a secondary character but she isn't a character I would enjoy reading in a spin-off or something. Just my two cents.
“I always liked you. From the moment you first flipped me off.”Daemon Black, though...*sigh*. From the moment homeboy opened the door to his house, shirtless, I was done for. He was arrogant, sarcastic, but at the same time he was loving, caring, gentle, and just worrisome over those he loved. His conversations with Katy were the best because he tries to not give-a-shit about anyone but he cares so much for her. Don't think I didn't see it, Daemon!
“My palms itched to have a close encounter of the bitch-slap kind with his face.”The relationship between Katy and Daemon is just...UGH! The chemistry from these two from the start where just it for me. I miss reading these kind of couples in YA book because nowadays it's just straight insta-love or a Romeo and Juliet setting. Daemon pushed Katy (Kitten as he called her, away) so many times because he was trying to protect her. But Katy's responses to his actions were justified and so angsty. Ugh, I love it. There were moments where he'd let his feelings show and it was just beautiful. And then there were the moments that he was purposely being absolutely frustrating, but those moments were quite beautiful too. In fact, I think any moment that involved Daemon and Katy were beautiful.

This book was beautiful and I loved every second of reading it. I have already read the whole series but am currently scanning through the other books to refresh my memory on certain areas. This book, however, is sealed in my memory.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Spoiler Warning

Being connected to Daemon Black sucks…
Thanks to his alien mojo, Daemon’s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarro connection. So I’ve sworn him off, even though he’s running more hot than cold these days. But we’ve got bigger problems.
Something worse than the Arum has come to town…
The Department of Defense are here. If they ever find out what Daemon can do and that we're linked, I’m a goner. So is he. And there's this new boy in school who’s got a secret of his own. He knows what’s happened to me and he can help, but to do so, I have to lie to Daemon and stay away from him. Like that's possible. Against all common sense, I'm falling for Daemon. Hard.
But then everything changes…
I’ve seen someone who shouldn’t be alive. And I have to tell Daemon, even though I know he’s never going to stop searching until he gets the truth. What happened to his brother? Who betrayed him? And what does the DOD want from them—from me?
No one is who they seem. And not everyone will survive the lies…
Hopefully who ever is reading this has seen the spoiler warning at the top and won't blame me for ruining the series for them but...you have been warned.
Now...wtf, Armentrout. You really going to make me go through all these feel in 366 pages. Like, really, do you not care about my heart and my feelings?
This book was an amazing sequel which is rare because usually the second book of the series is the worst in a series/trilogy. I was so happy to be reunited with my babies and see how they were doing when I first read this. Even with some new characters in the mix, I couldn't like my OTP behind.
“I could always give you a teaser. You bookish people love teasers, don't you?”
And Daemon. Where on Earth do I even begin to describe Daemon Black! He's just... amazing. He was so sarcastic and sassy, and so infuriatingly arrogant. Most of the things that came out his mouth had me dying laughing and other times wanting to pull my hair out of my scalp. We got to see him finally grovel and beg for Katy's attention. The part near the end when Katy was trapped and Daemon was literally begging Will to let her go. It was just breaking my heart to see how much Daemon truly cared for her and made me swoon!
“If there is anything, there is us.
You and me. No one else.”
Katy in the book, I have to give her points because I know I would have acted the same way! She rejected Daemon many times because of the way he treated her in the beginning. She didn't believe anything he said and she had every right to. When she began to get involved with Blake, I couldn't help but giggle. Daemon had to fight for her attention instead of her just giving it to him for free.

“Jesus.” Blake rubbed his throat. “You have anger management problems. Its like a disease.”“There’s a cure and it’s called kicking your ass.”
The rivalry between Daemon and Blake was everything. It was so funny how Daemon never wanted to say Blake's name so he called him so many names that start with 'B' just to get on Blake and Katy's nerves. The scene when Katy and Blake are on a date and then Daemon showed up and ruined it. And at the end when he said he had seen dolphins kiss hotter than Blake. I was laughing so hard I was crying for that entire scene. Daemon is seriously BY FAR one of the best characters in existence.
This book was so amazing and I loved it so much.
“Look at the time." I tipped my chin toward the clock. "It's past midnight. It's January second. You lost."For several moments he stared at the clock like it was an Arum he was about to blast into the next county and then his eyes found mine. Daemon smiled. "No. I didn't lose. I still won.”
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So, that is my review for Lux: Beginnings by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Tell me what you think about the book if you have read it and what were your favorite scenes in the first two books of the series. Let me know by commenting down below!
Thanks for reading!!
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Hope your lucky stars look after you all!

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